As a climbing plant is an excellent ally for ‘’hedge crossers’’ to aid in travelling between worlds and back again. Is great to use in dream work formulas, as it opens a door to other realms.
Hops have a strong link between creativity and sexuality, and can be used to resolve emotional issues surrounding either one of these. A great ally to help us set the intention in our minds and bodies to quit an addiction, if we need a change on our unhealthy routines.
It works on sleep regulation and it’s good for insomnia. Hops is good for driven personalities with too much intensity and strong emotions, in particular hatred or anger. Well suited for those who erupt very quickly and easily into anger. These emotions result in exhaustion, insomnia and worry.
Is a powerful sedative. It can be used for restless legs, treats nervous anxiety, stress, hysteria and insomnia. The plant is also used for digestive complaints, as it stimulates the production of bile, and can therefore be used for a sluggish digestion and poor fat metabolism. Helps in digestive illnesses with a strong stress related component, such as stomach ulceration and IBS, as well as ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and nervous indigestion. Its antispasmodic properties make it useful in the treatment of spasmodic conditions of the digestive system in general.