Primrose or Cowslip is known as “key Flower” or “heaven’s key”.
This one is a special one for me, it was the first Plant Spirit that called to my attention in the beginning of my journey on the path. I never forget when I first met her, with the beautiful flowers singing to the river and filling my heart 💛
“The old woman perform much magic with it, but neither shall I, nor should I say, anything about it” ✨
Magical uses of Primrose have been preserved in folklore: “it can reveal places where great “treasures” lie hidden, and open up the entrance to them” 🗝
You can easily feel her only by looking at and sitting with her.
The leaves and flowers are used in folk medicine for insomnia, dizziness, neuralgia, migraines and headaches. The roots are used as an expectorant.